It is any number of action replay codes that allow the top item in your inventory to be come almost anything (and often 999 of the item, too).
When looking at the item, it does say "a Pokemon loves this item". It is a hint to give a Pokemon that item. Well that Pokemon is a rhydon. Give a rhydon that item to hold. Trade it and see what happens...
Take the item your Pokemon is holding the item will be added to your bag.
It is a hold item that powers up Ghost and Dragon moves. It is the signature hold item of Giratina and will allow it to access Origin Forme should you migrate one over.
Easy.Just select Pokemon on your menu then select the Pokemon you want to take the item off.After that go to item and select take.Then the item will be taken and you can give another item to the Pokemon.If you want to take an item off your opponent you have to use the move Knock off.But your opponent gets their item back after the battle!
In Pokemon, Thief does damage and steals the target Pokemon's item, as long as you aren't already holding an item.
You can never stop recoil. You can reduce the felt effects, but, the recoil will still be there.
a light ball is a hold item that you can get from a pikachu. It is really rare to catch a pikachu holding a light ball. If you caught a pikachu with a light ball in emerald/sapphire/ruby you can breed it with another pikachu, then the Pokemon egg you get is a pichu that knows how to use Volt Tackle. Volt Tackle is a move that causes a high damage but it has a recoil damage too.
Silver Spikes
"An item to be held by a Pokemon. It may cause the foe to flinch when the holder inflicts damage."
I think its called a joy ribbon.But all it does is convert only a little of the damage.
It is any number of action replay codes that allow the top item in your inventory to be come almost anything (and often 999 of the item, too).
If you have 60 Pokemon or more after beating the game oak will give you the national dex which will allow you to catch and own johto and hoenn Pokemon.
In the current generation of Pokemon skull bash is a normal based attack with 130 base damage and 100% accuracy. The damage Blastoise can do with it varies greatly depending on a variety of different factors; including stats, IV's, EV's, nature, level, item of the Blastoise itself and the stats, IV's, EV's, nature, level, and item of the Pokemon.
give the item to a Pokemon and then trade that Pokemon.
When looking at the item, it does say "a Pokemon loves this item". It is a hint to give a Pokemon that item. Well that Pokemon is a rhydon. Give a rhydon that item to hold. Trade it and see what happens...
The diamond is a hold item that Dialga, the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon diamond, holds, making its moves stronger or do more damage.