The Dubious Disk is for Porygon or Porygon 2. Trade one of the Porygons with a real live friend, and it will evolve into a Porygon Z.
Also you need the Up-Grade from Professor Oak to get Porygon - Porygon 2. you can also trade it over from platinum you go to the house in veilstone closest to team galactics base and there will be a man in it u get it from him (you may need national dex and im not sure about diamond i havent gotten national dex yet in diamond)
Make sure you don't use GTS because you have no way to get it in time. But if you do it with a friend, make sure their not a thief.
The Pokemon that uses the Dubious disk is Porygon2 to evolve him into a porygon-Z
Cheat code of dubious disk is very long but really great so here it is 94005535 FFCF4232
It evolves Porygon into Porygonz.
They are the evolutionary items for porygon.
give it a dubious disk and trade it
The Pokemon that uses the Dubious disk is Porygon2 to evolve him into a porygon-Z
route 225
Cheat code of dubious disk is very long but really great so here it is 94005535 FFCF4232
route 225
It evolves Porygon into Porygonz.
They are the evolutionary items for porygon.
give it a dubious disk and trade it
Yes in route 225...
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.
You have to trade with it holding the dubious disk. This can be done when porygon2 is at any level.
i have a dubious disk i can give it to you send me your F.C and name ok
trade porygon2 with the item dubious disk to evolve the the Pokemon porygon two then get it back