No it is not. I believe you are thinking of the ghost type Pokemon. They are not the dead communicating with the living, it is just the type of Pokemon it is.
Zekrom is the best electric legendary Pokemon period. Its not a opinion, its a dead fact.
in order to get a snorlax you need to get a pokeflute from the Pokemon tower with oll the dead Pokemon in it.{in lavender tower}.then you can go get a will get on your nerves with its rest attack.hope this helped
level 100 or he will own you instantly if you have a grass type your dead
No if it did almost all my Pokemon would be dead if they aged.For growing they technically do since they level up.(As you can tell ive done Pokemon for a while,since I was 7 or 6). et
it is in route 209 where Pokemon are put to rest when their lives come to an end and are burid when they are dead
yes. it is very dead.
It is on rout 209
its dead?
this is a stupid question, of course psyduck is the greatest Pokemon in the history of Pokemon anyone who disputes this is dead wrong this is a stupid question, of course psyduck is the greatest Pokemon in the history of Pokemon anyone who disputes this is dead wrong
No Pokemon don't die because the game is for little kids like yourself no offense but their are rumors that the spirits of the dead Pokemon lie within ghost Pokemon like the one behind you
I don't know. Maybe his pokemon was old or something.
in the dead end floors
no he is not dead. But there was a rumor on twitter or instagram , I'm not sure which one, that the guy who created pokemon (sirachi Tajiri) died in an earthquake in Japan. Nintendo proves it's no true that he is dead. He is very healthy today and alive.
Never. It is a dead site now.
it means you are almost dead!