Kyogre is said it could possibly be a reference to the Leviathan, for the Leviathan was a giant sea monster.
-35993, 32115, -55229
The two that immediately come to mind are the Loch Ness Monster and the Leviathan.
you can get mew by using a quite complicated glitch on pokemons red blu and yellow i should know becoz i have a lvl51 mew. the rumour that mew is under the truck is definitely fake. another way get mew is through an action replay or gameshark or xploder code by - Leviathan - Pokemon glitch master who is better than you also ages ago you could get mew by going to a Nintendo event but that no longer happens
leviathan, lamasu, leprechaun, lich, lilith, lucifer, loch ness monster, loveland frog, lamia
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
Satan is a scary leviathan. Enormous Leviathan is another phrase.
The population of Leviathan - clothing - is 220.
Leviathan - clothing - was created in 1909.
Lyncina leviathan was created in 1937.
Little Leviathan was created in 1997.
The Land Leviathan was created in 1974.
A Behemoth is a land animal. The Leviathan is a sea creature. Therefore the Leviathan has the possibility of being the largest.
Yes go on leviathan it is an awesome ride
The Digging Leviathan has 276 pages.
The Digging Leviathan was created in 1984-08.
The Land Leviathan has 161 pages.
Murder on the Leviathan has 704 pages.