

Best Answer

squirtle warturtle blastoise psyduck golduck poliwag poliwhirl poliwrath tentacool tentacruel seel dewgong horsea seadra goldeen seaking staryu starmie gyradose lapras vaporeon omanyte omaster kabuto kabutops mew chinchou lanturn marill azumarill politoed quagsire slowking qwillfish remoraid octillaree kingdra suicune

i don't which can learn it - i am really frustrated cause my quaqsire can't even learn it - but i do know that tentacool can't learn it......

just found out chinchou can learn it....

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Q: What Pokemon in gold version can learn HM waterfall?
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What Pokemon learns waterfall on heart gold?

Most water type Pokemon can learn the move Waterfall.

Which Pokemon can learn waterfall on Pokemon gold?

squirtlewarturtleblastoisepsyduckgolduckpoliwagpoliwhirlpoliwrathtentacooltentacruelseeldewgonghorseaseadragoldeen seakingstaryustarmiegyradoselaprasvaporeonomanyteomasterkabutokabutopsmewchinchoulanturnmarillazumarillpolitoedquagsireslowkingqwillfishremoraidoctillareekingdrasuicune My Lapras and Gyrados Know the move waterfall

How do you get a dragon scale in Pokemon gold version?

It is in the middle cave of Mt.Mortar, it takes surf and waterfall to eventually get to it

Why can't Ferlagator learn Waterfall in Pokemon Gold?

not all Pokemon can learn it, only some can learn that move. i can't seem to find a list of what Pokemon are able to, but ill post it if i find one.

What Pokemon can learn waterfall and rock climb in Pokemon heart gold?

If you start out with totodile as a starter then he can learn waterfall or you could wait till you go to the lake of rage and catch red gyrados and teach him waterfall and if you start out with cyndaquil then when he evolves into quilava or typhlosion then he can learn rock climb. hope this helps from nick oaks

What water Pokemon can use waterfall in Pokemon Gold?

all of them

Why cant feraligatr learn waterfall in gold and silver?

Feraligatr cannot learn Waterfall in Pokémon Gold and Silver, additionally it cannot be taught it via the HM.

How do you get HM Waterfall in Pokemon Red?

Waterfall is HM07 in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal only. There are 2 Pokemon in Red and Blue who can learn it naturally (Goldeen and Seaking) however because its an 'old' attack, you may trade over some red or blue Pokemon, teach it to them in Gold or silver and trade them back. This is the only NEW HM that can be taught to old Red and Blue Pokemon, HM06 Whirlpool doesn't exist in red and blue.Waterfull is not an HM in Pokemon Red or Blue. The only Pokemon that know Waterfall in those games are Goldeen and Seaking, which Goldeen can learn Waterfall at level 37, while Seaking is at level 39 in Generation I.

How do you get waterfall instanly on Pokemon Gold?

You get waterfall (HM07) in the Ice Path after Mahogany Town.

What Pokemon can learn flash in gold version?

Bellsprout, abra, mareep those are all I know

In Pokemon Gold where do you get the hm waterfall?

on the ice path

How do you trade Pokemon from gold version to crystal version?

If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes