It is in the middle cave of Mt.Mortar, it takes surf and waterfall to eventually get to it
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
A fake version of Pokemon gold
find a: Horsea, 1.5% Seadra, 1.5% Kingdra, 1.5% Dratni, 1.5% Draginair, 1,5% Dragonite, 1.5% The percents are your chance of getting a dragon scale =] but you can also get it in a cave (middle of mt.mortar) hope this help!!!!:) =)
Can u trade pokemon between gold version and leaf green
pokemon soul silver/hart gold
Blackthorn Gym she leads with Dragon Pokemon.
Yes, by trading a Seadra equipped with a dragon scale.
you have to go to the game corner and win it
You have a tiny chance to find one in Dragon's Lair.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
You can only get the Dragon Scale by defeating the red Gyrados in Lake of Rage north of Mahogany Town. You can trade this to Mr.Pokemon north of Cherrygrove City for an EXP. SHARE, which is incredibly useful. A good bargain, as the Dragon Scale has no other purpose in the game.
To get Kingdra, trade a seadra while it is holding a dragon scale. I don't think you can catch it wild.
well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version
A fake version of Pokemon gold
There is no GBA version of Gold Version, but there will be a DS version in March in the US.
It evolves from Horsea starting at level 32, and evolves into Kingdra when traded holding a Dragon Scale.
find a: Horsea, 1.5% Seadra, 1.5% Kingdra, 1.5% Dratni, 1.5% Draginair, 1,5% Dragonite, 1.5% The percents are your chance of getting a dragon scale =] but you can also get it in a cave (middle of mt.mortar) hope this help!!!!:) =)