The chance of a Pokemon received from an in-game trade being shiny is the same as the chance of capturing a shiny Pokemon in the wild.
You have to be VEEEEEEERY patient - the chance of a Pokemon being shiny is 1/8192
In the 2nd generation games (Gold/Silver/Crystal), the offspring will have a 1/64 chance of being shiny. In later generation games, the chance of getting a shiny offspring is the same as encountering a wild shiny Pokemon.
Ralts does not exist in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. It was added with Ruby and Sapphire. If you're referring to HeartGold version, Ralts can be found on Route 34, but encountering a shiny Pokemon is a 1/8,192 chance, so it could take weeks to months. If you use the Masuda method and breed your Ralts with a Pokemon from a different country the chance of the Ralts that hatches will be increased to a 1/1638 chance of being shiny!
The chance of a Pokemon received from an in-game trade being shiny is the same as the chance of capturing a shiny Pokemon in the wild.
All the Pokemon found in the wild can be shiny. There is a 1 in over 8000 chance that a Pokemon will be shiny.
shiny pokemon can very rarely be found in the wild. there is a 1% chance to find shiny pokemon in the wild! if you breed shiny pokemon, if you are lucky, the baby will be shiny!
no but if you breed it, it has a higher chance of being shiny
get a shiny snorunt and evolve it Pokemon have a 1 in 1873 or something chance of being shiny
A hacked 0ne
You have to be VEEEEEEERY patient - the chance of a Pokemon being shiny is 1/8192
Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare. There is a 1 in 8192 chance of a wild Pokemon being shiny. It is based solely on their stats, and there is no easy way to encounter them without cheating. Red Gyarados is the only Pokemon that will always be shiny. If you do have shiny Pokemon, however, it is possible to breed them and have an increased chance of the offspring being shiny. In Crystal, the odd egg has a 50% chance of hatching into a shiny Pokemon.
You have to be very lucky. Every time you find a Pokemon it has a very very low chance of being shiny.
You can't, it's all chance. You can only find wild pokemon, which have a very slight chance of being shiny. There might be an Action Replay cheat for it though.
There is a 1 in 1861 chance that you will find a shiny Pokemon in the wild. They are just found at random in the wild. There is no specific place.
Yes. The chance of it being shiny is 1 pokémon in 1,000 encounters