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Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 are the only Pokémon games that feature the Unova region.

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Q: What Pokemon game has Unova region in it?
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Related questions

What Pokemon game has the unova region in it?

Pokémon Black and White.

What is the fifth region of Pokemon?

its the Unova Region

What is the newest region of Pokemon?

Unova region

What region Pokemon are in Pokemon White?


What Pokemon can you only get in Pokemon white?

you can get all the pokemon in the Unova region in pokemon black and white, in the other games you all the pokemon in sinnoh, hoenn, kanto and johto. Unova came out in 2010 and shortly after that they thought of a game / 2 involving Unova region pokemon.

How many new Pokemon are in Unova?

Including Genesect:-155 Pokemon in the Unova region.

Will there be a new pokemon region after unova?

There will most likely be a new region after Unova unless the Pokemon Company says otherwise.

Is there a pokemon game coming out in 2012?

Pokemon gray might come out in spring 2012, but it is still in the Unova region

How many types of pokémon are there and what are they called in pokémon black?

There are 17 types of pokemon, and the region in pokemon black is the unova region. there are 646 total pokemon. there are 153 pokemon in the unova region

Where is unova city in Pokemon white?

dude unova is the region not a city

What region are the Pokemon Black and White in?

The Unova Region

How many Pokemon are in the unova region?

there is 160 pokemon