the same one that evolves into it in any other game! Onix!
I pray you didn't mean this...
If you mean,, what onix evolves into,, it's steelix,, but the is no Pokemon that evolves into onix
AnswerIn Pokemon Platinum, Fire Fang is a base move of Steelix's. This means that if Steelix does not have Fire Fang in its moveset upon capture, you can take it to the Move Tutor in Pastoria City (on any level) and teach it to Steelix again.
diglett evolves into dugtrio, onix is its on Pokemon that evolves into steelix using metal coat.
Happiny evolves into chancy evolves into blissy.
Onix evolves into Steelix, while holding a Metal Coat and traded. Steelix can also Mega Evolve, but cannot evolve into any other Pokemon.
If you mean,, what onix evolves into,, it's steelix,, but the is no Pokemon that evolves into onix
Steelix is a Steel and Ground type pokemon.
AnswerIn Pokemon Platinum, Fire Fang is a base move of Steelix's. This means that if Steelix does not have Fire Fang in its moveset upon capture, you can take it to the Move Tutor in Pastoria City (on any level) and teach it to Steelix again.
diglett evolves into dugtrio, onix is its on Pokemon that evolves into steelix using metal coat.
Barboach evolves into Whiscash.
Happiny evolves into chancy evolves into blissy.
Onix evolves into Steelix, while holding a Metal Coat and traded. Steelix can also Mega Evolve, but cannot evolve into any other Pokemon.
you can catch a steelix at iron island
Kadabra evolves upon trading.
Happiny evolves into Chansey with an Oval Stone.