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If you mean,, what onix evolves into,, it's steelix,, but the is no Pokemon that evolves into onix

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What evolves into onix?
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What Pokemon evolves into eonix?

If you mean Onix, nothing evolves into onix

Onix evolves at what level?

Onix evolves into Steelix by giving it a metal coat and trading it with someone.

Does diglett evolve into onix?

diglett evolves into dugtrio, onix is its on Pokemon that evolves into steelix using metal coat.

What Pokemon evolve into Onix?

There is no Pokémon that evolves into Onix.

When does onix evolove on Pokemon HeartGold?

onix dose not evolve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (quote of above comment) yes it does it evolves into steelix! onix evolves after trade holding metal cover

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Level: Onix Evolves By Trading.

When does onix evolve on pokemon white?

Onix evolves into Steelix when you trade Onix while holding a metal coat.

What does onix evolve from?

Onix doesn't evolve from anything. It evolves into Steelix, but Onix is the base pokemon for that evolution chain. :)

How does onix evolve?

Onix evolves to Steelix when holding the item Metal Coat and traded

What level does onix envolve at?

Onix evolves at lvl 100,99 or lvl 30 i think;O

What level does onix evlove?

Onix does not evolve at a level but with an item. You have to give it the metal coat and trade it so it evolves.

What level does onix evolve on Pokemon soul silver?

onix evolves when u trade it with an item called Metalcoat