The only Pokemon that evolves with the deepseatooth is Clamperl, who, using the deepseatooth, evolves into Huntail.
A deepsea tooth is a tooth that makes clamperl evolve into huntail when the clamperl is holding it and is traded into anouther persons game. There is also a deepseascale which makes clamperl evolve into gorebyss in the same manner.
Kadabra Dusclops /holding a reaper cloth Electabuzz/hotding a eletriczire Haunter Graveler Clamperl/holding a deepsea tooth or scale Machoke Magmar /holding a magnimizer Poliwhirl/holding a kings rock Porygon & 2/ holding a up-grade then a disk Rhydon/holding a recoverey Scyther/holding a metal coat Slowbro/holding a metal coat Onix/holding a metal coat sedra/holding a dragon scale Hope you like it
You must have a clamperl and let it hold the deepseatooth/deepseascale. Then, trade clamperl. If clamperl is holding the deepseatooth,it will evolve to Huntail. If it was deepseascale, it will evolve to a Gorebyss.
To evolve it, you have to give it a Deep Sea Tooth (Huntail) or a Deep Sea Scale (Gorebyss) and trade it.
Sorry (very) to say, but Clamperl will not evolve through leveling up. First, make it hold either a Deep Sea Tooth (Huntail) or a Deep Sea Scale, and Trade it to someone, or yourself if you have an extra gen 3 game and another GBA. It will evolve when traded depending on what it is holding.
you can evolve a clamperl to a huntail by trading it ween it is holding deepsea tooth or you can evolve him or her by trading it with deepseacale to a gorbiss with is a ex-treame ly rare pokemon!
it does not evolve at any level. to evolve it, trade it while its holding a deep sea scale or a deep sea tooth
Currently in 2016, only Clamperl can evolve with a Deep Sea Tooth. It can evolve by holding it, while being traded to someone else.
A deepsea tooth is a tooth that makes clamperl evolve into huntail when the clamperl is holding it and is traded into anouther persons game. There is also a deepseascale which makes clamperl evolve into gorebyss in the same manner.
Kadabra Dusclops /holding a reaper cloth Electabuzz/hotding a eletriczire Haunter Graveler Clamperl/holding a deepsea tooth or scale Machoke Magmar /holding a magnimizer Poliwhirl/holding a kings rock Porygon & 2/ holding a up-grade then a disk Rhydon/holding a recoverey Scyther/holding a metal coat Slowbro/holding a metal coat Onix/holding a metal coat sedra/holding a dragon scale Hope you like it
You must have a clamperl and let it hold the deepseatooth/deepseascale. Then, trade clamperl. If clamperl is holding the deepseatooth,it will evolve to Huntail. If it was deepseascale, it will evolve to a Gorebyss.
in fact it does not evolve with leveling up. It evolves with a deepsea tooth or deepsea scale held via trade. Glad if I could help.
you trade holding deepseatooth or deepseascale. they are held by wild pkmnFirst you get a clamperl holding deep sea tooth (huntail) or deep sea scale (gorebyss) and trade it.
it matters if you want to evole it into a gorabysthen you need to trade it while it is holding a deep sea scale and if you want a huntail trade it while it is holding a deep sea tooth
clampearl+deep sea tooth+trade
you need to trade it with it holding a deepsea tooth and then trade back. same with deepseascale.
Clamperl evolves in two ways. One way is to trade it while holding a DeepSeaTooth. Another way is to trade it while holding a DeepSea Scale. If you trade it while it is holding a DeepSea Tooth it will evolve into Huntail. If you trade it while it is holding a DeepSea Scale it will evolve into Gorebyss.