Kadabra,Machoke,Pidgeotto,Graveler,Golbat,Ekans,Flaaffy ,Haunter,Poliwrath,Drowzee,Yanma ,Sunkern ,Exeggcute ,Scyther,Grimer ,Snubbull ,
Krabby,Staryu,Seadra ,Piloswine ,Kabuto,Wartortle
machoke needs to be traded to evolve
Farfetch'd does not evolve in Pokemon HeartGold. Sorry! :)
Heart Scale does not evolve any Pokemon. You trade it to a maniac who will make Pokemon remember moves. In black and white, the maniac is in Mistralton city.
hitmonchan cant evolve
It has to be traded while holding a metal coat.
machoke needs to be traded to evolve
It evolves from Horsea starting at level 32, and evolves into Kingdra when traded holding a Dragon Scale.
The best place to evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon Heart Gold is at Mt. Silver.
Farfetch'd is a Pokemon that does not evolve.
Farfetch'd does not evolve in Pokemon HeartGold. Sorry! :)
Heart Scale does not evolve any Pokemon. You trade it to a maniac who will make Pokemon remember moves. In black and white, the maniac is in Mistralton city.
hitmonchan cant evolve
It has to be traded while holding a metal coat.
Wooper will evolve at Level 20.
no, you have to trade them.
Magmius or honchkrow