She uses Milotic Water type, Garchomp Drgon type, Spirtomb Ghost and Dark type, Gastrodon Water and pioson type,Staraptor Flying type and Alakzam Pychic type. I am not sure about the last two but i am positive on the rest.
After the Dragon's Den (when not battling Lance), you can find your rival at the Pokemon League on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Your Rival is in the Pokemon league on Mondays and Wednesday. On Tuesday,Thursday and Fridays, your rival is in the Dragon's Den training
After beating the Pokémon League, your rival will escort you to the Hall of Fame.
after you beat the fire gym then walk out and your rival will give it to you.
You actually get to name your rival. So, your rival is whoever you want him to be. The rival is just a strange character that happens to be eying Professor Elm's Pokemon.
Your rival is the champion.
You can battle your rival at the Pokemon league on mondays and wednesdays
first go to the town the first one then go to the center there will be the Pokemon league your rival will appear
You can vs your rival every monday on your game at the Pokemon League.( this also counts for HeartGold too.)
About 10 times then you can fight your rival at certain days at the Pokemon League.
Your rival challenges you at the Pokemon league Mondays and Wednesdays.
he's at the Pokemon league.
you fight your rival
u have to beat the elite four, and than ur rival
The Pokemon League is basically the point of all the Pokemon adventure games. It has the Elite Four (and your rival) which are the most skilled trainers in the Pokemon world and if you beat them, you can call yourself the Pokemon Master. You must face the Elite Four (and your rival) all in a row without letting your Pokemon faint, if they do, you must start over again.