skarmory, pelliper, altaria and swellow. I'm not sure about the levels but the altaria knows earthquake!
The sixth gym is Winona, the Flying type leader in Fortree City.
In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader
The sixth gym is in Fuschia City, where you fight Koga, Poison type leader.
The gym leader is not at the gym and that is why we cannot enter the gym.
The 6th Gym Leader In Pokemon Ruby Destiny is in Down Pour City
Winona, in Fortree City, is the sixth gym leader and uses flying pokémon.
The sixth gym is Winona, the Flying type leader in Fortree City.
The Sixth Gym leader is Chuck, he has a Hiryama and a Poliwrath.
The sixth gym leader is called Tate and Liza, a pair of physic type trainers. They use a Solrock and a Lunatone, both rock and physic type.
In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader
you beat the sixth gym
in the peatalberg gym he is the leader
The sixth gym in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire is located in Fortree City. By the Pokemon Center there is a ladder leading to a raised platform and a series of bridges. At the third platform is another ladder. Proceed down it to get to the gym.
sixth gym laeder
Step on the portals until you get to the gym leader.
It is the Fortree Gym. Hope it helps!