In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Ash Gets
Gible, Gliscor, Torterra, Infernape, Buizel, Staraptor, Pikachu
Dawn gets
Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Togekiss, Mamoswine, Cyndaquil
Brock gets
Chansey, Croagunk, Sudowudo (Brock brought bonsly with him into sinnoh)
At the last episode of Diamond and Pearl Ash and his crew stayed at Dawn's house until the afternoon. Dawn was planning to go with Ash but Dawn and Buneary had to go to the Pokemon Fashion thing. This made Priplup mad so it ran away and long story short they found Priplup. At the end Ash and Brock is about to leave Twinleaf and say their goodbyes to Dawn. At the very end Brock and Ash take their own road. Ash go for Pokemon Master and Brock go for Pokemon Doctor. Im going to miss Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The new season is Pokemon Black and White this is a link to watch it. Can't hyperlink so ima put the web address:
try the Pokemon episode gotta catch ya later in the end when ash misty and brock were seprating in misty's flashback the series is called Pokemon masterquest
There may be some hints that she loves Ash but as for Paul it is unknow but I know that Ash dose not love her It is obvious that Ash is not with Dawn (but the names would match :D y'know.. ask.. and dawn :D ya get it?... yea watever..) anyways, Pokemon doesnt really pair people up but if its like the last season (with may and that green haired dude... i think it was drew) then dawn is probably going to end up with paul
Ash lives most of the time in the Pokemon TV series. Ash did die in Pokemon the First movie in the scene when he was trying stop Mewtwo's battle, and Ash got frozen, and Misty cried during Pokemon tears. By the end of Pokemon the First movie Ash came back to life too see Misty and Brock again. In Pokemon the movie 2000 the wicked collector tried to catch Lugia and Ash fell in water and Misty swam to save Ash from dying again like in the 1st movie. Misty assumed that she thought Ash was dead again, but Ash didn't die in this Pokemon film. Ash lived. In Pokemon 3 the Movie and Pokemon 4ever, Ash always lives. Evan when the Entei kidnapped Ash's mother in Pokemon 3 the Movie and when Ash's Pikachu shocked the hunter to get Celebi and Sam's friendship back to normal again in Pokemon 4ever. I admit that Ash only died in the 1st Movie, and then came back to life by the Pokemon tears. You forgot, Ash also dies in Pokemon Episode the Tower of Terror.
Well it depends are you talking about the show or the game? well ill give you both AnswerAfter Ash becomes champion of the Kanto Battle Frontier, May as well as Drew, Solidad and Harley travel to the Johto region to participate in the Grand Festival held there. Max returns to Petalburg City to get ready for his own Pokémon journey and Brock returns to Pewter City, once again. Ash learns of a new region called Sinnoh, where he embarks on a new journey. Ash planned to bring only Pikachu, but Aipom snuck on the boat. Brock comes back a few days later in Sinnoh and they both meet Dawn (Hikari (ヒカリ?)), a new trainer who hopes to become a great Pokémon Coordinator, like her mother. Ash meets a new rival, Paul(Shinji (シンジ?)), who prefers to capture the strongest Pokémon, leaving the weak who are released, in strong contrast to Ash's methods. During the journey, Ash encounters the Elite Four of Sinnoh Region in different places respectively, he carries on battles with them, and also receives their instructions about battle techniques. May briefly returns and travels with Ash, Dawn, and Brock to the Wallace Cup, and Ash meets Gary several times throughout their journey.Ash and his friends also come in contact with Team Galactic, an evil organization that wants to control the Pokémon universe. Team Galactic has also recruited an evil Pokémon Hunter, known only as J, to help them capture powerful Legendary Pokémon to advance their goals. With the help of the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia, as well as a detective named Looker, Ash, Dawn, and Brock manage to defeat Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic.After the Sinnoh League, the gang prepares to go their separate ways: Brock is returning to Pewter City to become a Pokémon Doctor, Dawn is returning to Hearthome City to model Buneary in a photoshoot, and Ash has decided that to become a Pokemon Master, he will continue training and someday enter the Champion League, and become Champion Master. Ash and Brock wave goodbye to Dawn and Piplup as they take a ship home to Kanto. When reaching the familiar crossroad, Ash and Brock shake hands one last time, and split up: Brock goes back to Pewter City, and Ash goes home to Pallet Town.In a series of special episodes aired during the Best Wishes! series, Dawn is seen continuing her journey to become a top Pokémon Coordinator in the Hoenn region and Brock's younger brother Forrest is officiall.Then in the gameyou ever played any of the other Pokemon games you'd know the ending is when you defeat the Elite Four, become the Champion and enter the Hall of Fame. Everything after that is basically extra and you can do whatever you want.Read more: What_is_the_end_of_pokemon_diamond_and_pearl
At the last episode of Diamond and Pearl Ash and his crew stayed at Dawn's house until the afternoon. Dawn was planning to go with Ash but Dawn and Buneary had to go to the Pokemon Fashion thing. This made Priplup mad so it ran away and long story short they found Priplup. At the end Ash and Brock is about to leave Twinleaf and say their goodbyes to Dawn. At the very end Brock and Ash take their own road. Ash go for Pokemon Master and Brock go for Pokemon Doctor. Im going to miss Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The new season is Pokemon Black and White this is a link to watch it. Can't hyperlink so ima put the web address:
Ash likes misty and Brock likes every Nurse and Officer, and at the end, has that Asian chick as a gf.
try the Pokemon episode gotta catch ya later in the end when ash misty and brock were seprating in misty's flashback the series is called Pokemon masterquest
Pokemon tower of terror. Brock suggests they hold hands
No. she does not die she goes off to the gym because her sisters want to go on a vacation. Then she decides to go and says goodbye to ash and brock almost telling ash about she feels about him.(Even ash cried at the end). thank you for reading this
There may be some hints that she loves Ash but as for Paul it is unknow but I know that Ash dose not love her It is obvious that Ash is not with Dawn (but the names would match :D y'know.. ask.. and dawn :D ya get it?... yea watever..) anyways, Pokemon doesnt really pair people up but if its like the last season (with may and that green haired dude... i think it was drew) then dawn is probably going to end up with paul
Misty leaves at the end of Pokémon Master Quest, in the episode that is titled "Gotta Catch Ya Later."
Ash doesn't love anyone... He just has friends who just so happen to be girls... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Misty since they actually had vivid hints. The rest of the girls hints seem too friendly. If you need evidence of why I think this, just let me know.
Yep you can see why when and or if you watch Pokemon the rise of Darkrai it was a movie that aired in America in 2007.Ash showed constant signes of affection during the middle-end of the movie. Oh yah and ash and the other girls (misty may and iris) do not show that type of affection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dis-agree with the top answers. The signs of affection seem to be too friendly. I see that Ash and Misty are too obvious. If you want my reasons why I think so, just tell me and I'll give them to you.
Well, ---- 1.) Aipom is a girl, Buizel is a boy... ---- 2.) Buizel never participated in a contest 'till Ash raised it...... ---- 3.) Aipom liked watching Dawn practice..... ---- 4.) Buizel doesn't really care about looking good while using moves..... ---- 5.) Zoey suggested that Dawn should raise Aipom........ ---- 6.) The most important: While Ash was doing a gym battle with Brock and Dawn with Zoey doing a contest battle, AIPOM got distracted with Dawn's contest battle, and Buizel got distracted with Ash's Gym battle..... So both decided to trade..... The End
It depends on how the creators want to end Pokemon. In truth, Misty is the most logical choice, but the creators make May, Dawn, and Iris look like they are in love with Ash. Ash should be fifteen or sixteen, but in the anime he is still only ten.
He leaves at around 80-84 to stay and help Prof. Ivy at the end of Indigo league. After the orange island league Ash goes home to find Brock living wit his Mother, they then set out for Jhoto together in episode 119