on the 21st battle streak he will use a dragonite, rhyperior, milotic.. and on the 49th streak cresselia, heatran and regigigas..
i think it's Rhyperior
Its the battle tower brain Palmer
You need to beat a 21 streak and then 50 streak and a 100 streak.
21. He will then battle you. (He is your "friend"'s father).
You have to do single battles
beat him with a level 100
i think it's Rhyperior
21st: Milotic, Rhyperior and Dragonite 49th: Heatran, Regigigas, and Cresselia
Its the battle tower brain Palmer
you have to get 20 consecutive wins in the battle tower then the Battle Tower's brainiac Palmer will come out to battle you. and yes Palmer is the blonde haired kid's (a.k.a. Gary) dad.
He is your rival's dad also the Battle Tower Tycoon.
fisrst you need to beat 21 trainer
You need to beat a 21 streak and then 50 streak and a 100 streak.
When you reached your 21st battle you will battle Palmer and his Pokemon are: Dragonite, Rhyperior, and Milotic When you reached your 49th battle you will battle him again and his Pokemon are: Heatran, Regigigas, and Cresselia