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Lance will have a level 46 Gyrados, two level 49 Dragonites, a level 49 Aerodactyl, a level 48 Charizard, and a level 50 Dragonite but if u fight him a second time he will have a Lv. 72 Garchomp, a Lv.68 Gyarados, a Lv. 72 Dragonite, a Lv. 72 Altaria, a Lv. 68 Charizard, and a Lv. 73 Salamence.

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Q: What Pokemon does lance have in soul silveR?
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Yeah you do. At the dragons den you and your rival battle both Clair and Lance in a double battle.

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You can use gyarados red,train it to level 50 use hyperbeam.

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well pretty much you can go to mount silver and battle red then you can get the kanto and hoenn starters

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Dragon's den in Johto, You'll then fight Clair and Lance with the Rival