Buck has a large variety of pokemon, for the full listing see the related link.
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
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I think Stark Mountain.
He should be in his house.
finding the magma stone
You don't get the magna stone from buck in Pokemon platinum.
Buck is a boy
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
Battle Tower.
you visit buck in survival area talk to buck and go to the cave. Heatran will be there.
you can find buck at the survival area in the house next to the Pokemon center hopes the helps
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I think Stark Mountain.
He should be in his house.
Buck lives in Twinleaf Town like you! ... oops ... that is your friend? my bad. Buck REALLY lives in the Survival Area!!! for real -edit- to be specific WHERE he lives, it's to the left of the Pokemon center.
either 1 or 2 to the left of the Pokemon center
in the battlegruond buck has Shuckle Umbreon Dusknoir Torkoal Claydol