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Rotoms at 8:00 on fridays drfloon on fridays s aipoms if you put honey on a tree sometimes sometimes

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Q: What Pokemon do you catch at night?
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You can catch Hoho at night.

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From the sprout tower at night.

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route 224, found with Pokemon radar. AT NIGHT!

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in the tower at night

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eterna forest at night in Pokemon diamond

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You can catch a houndour at night outside celadon city, Route 7. You can ONLY find him at night!

Do Pokemon games have a dark ball?

No. But they have dusk balls which helps you to catch Pokemon in night or in a cave.

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It doesn't matter when you catch them.

Where do you catch misdreaveous?

Eterna forest at night, but in Pokemon pearl, not diamond.

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at night go to eterna forest

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Eterna Forest (Only at night)