You can catch a houndour at night outside celadon city, Route 7. You can ONLY find him at night!
You can't. You have to get one by trading with a Gold Version. You can catch Teddiursa in Soul Silver but not Silver.
it's impossible to get remoraid. trade it from gold or silver.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
A fake version of Pokemon gold
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
Houndour was a Pokemon released in Generation III. Pokemon Gold is a Generation II game. Houndoor was not introduced at that time. Therefore, you cannot get Houndour in Pokemon Gold.
go in the grass by celadon or saffron make sure its night go in the left exit go up you can catch a murkrow or a houndour
Outside of Mistralton City.
on route 44 you will find him
It is an event
You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Silver, or the older GBC games.
If you have a teddiursa get it to level 30 to evolve it into ursaing
You can't. You have to get one by trading with a Gold Version. You can catch Teddiursa in Soul Silver but not Silver.
Unfortunately, you can't catch a Red Gyardos is Pokemon diamond, but you can catch one in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver. It'll be at Lake of Rage.
you trade sunkern from Pokemon gold/silver/crystal and evolve it with a sun stone
No because Kyogre is only in HeartGold Version
it's impossible to get remoraid. trade it from gold or silver.