bulbasaur and charmander but what i always do is catch a spearow and in one of the houses in vermillion city i cant remember which one but a girl will trade u a farfetched for your spearow and u can teach farfetched cut
in the ss.anne were the captain is seasick
Zigzagoon, Poocheyna, Treeko, Chikorita, Linoone
you should use either ground or psychic Pokemon
The answer is use Pokemon fire red cheats.
you don't get the red orb in Pokemon heart gold you get the blue orb that you use to get kyogre
why not try finding it out by getting some Pokemon and trying it on them
its in the same place as it is in Pokemon gold and silver
in the ss.anne were the captain is seasick
hm1 hm7 hm2 hm3 and hm5
Well, you first need to get HM1 (Cut) and teach it to one of your Pokemon. You also have to beat the second Gym before a Pokemon will be able to use it outside of battle. Then you just go up to the tree and press A, the Pokemon you learned Cut will cut the tree down. PS. If you are having trouble finding HM1 you should check out the SS. ANNE in the port in Vermillion.
Talk to Cynthia in front of Galactic Eterna Building.
Zigzagoon, Poocheyna, Treeko, Chikorita, Linoone
It is east of cerulean city, HM1 CUT is needed and HM5 Flash.
you have to use a level 100 if you want to be SURE to beat Red
1. go on the S.S. Anne in Vermillion city 2. battle you're rival 3. rub the seasick captain's back
You can trade with a friend a Pokemon that knows cut, and as long as you have the required badge, you can use cut outside battles. That way you don't need to obtain the HM1, but if you do want to , you have to go into the SS Anne. Hope this helps.
you should use either ground or psychic Pokemon