

Best Answer

only ditto can learn it

Wrong, ditto AND mew can learn it!

Wrong again, ditto, mew, AND smeargle can learn it!

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Q: What Pokemon can learn the Transform move?
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What moves can ditto learn exept for transform?

The only move that it can learn is transform.

Can a Dewott learn transform on Pokemon black or white?

No, Dewott cannot learn Transform.

What moves can Ditto learn in Pokemon diamond?

Transform. 10 PP Then whatever moves the transformed Pokemon has (Only 5 PP of each move though)

What moves does a Ditto know?

The only move a Ditto can learn is Transform. However, when it transforms into an opponent, it will have the use of that Pokemon's moves for the period of the transformation.

How do you get ditto to transform?

um . . . the only move dittos know is transform. they cannot unlearn it or learn any other move

Can Zora learn transform?

No it can not learn this move because only Ditto can use it.

What moves can Ditto learn in Pokemon emerald?

Only transform

How do you evolve Pokemon with a Ditto?

use the move transform.

What Pokemon in emerald can learn thunder punch?

Most Pokemon can learn that move think of it this way Pokemon that have hands can learn it some Pokemon learn it from the move tutors however some can learn it via egg move only.

Does Ditto evolve?

Ditto can never evolve but he can transform in battle using his (only) move, Transform. Creative name, right? It can transform into any Pokemon! He transforms into one of the opponent's Pokemon. You can choose which Pokemon (of your opponent's) to transform into if he has more than one Pokemon.

What is the Pokemon that cannot learn a TM move?

unkown idk if spelled right :O I believe there's another one but I don't remember what it was D: -EDIT BY DARKKID1000- unknown and ditto. the only move ditto can learn is transform. the only move unknown knows is hidden power. hidden power however is a TM so there for it can learn a TM move even though it is the only move it can learn. The truth is the only pokemon who by default can not learn a tm move is Ditto. Unless you use an AR with a code so any pokemon can learn any tm. that just throws everything off then but with out cheating the answer is Ditto ... after further thinking it dawned on me While Ditto can only learn Transform another pokemon came up that can't learn a TM move. so yes there is two however unkown isn't one... the second pokemon that can not learn a TM move what so ever is Magikarp. this makes your answer Ditto and Magikarp -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What if the guy wont teach the ultimate move?

Then that Pokemon cannot learn it. Only starter Pokemon can learn the ultimate move. No other Pokemon can learn them.