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Q: What Pokemon can learn surf dive and strength?
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Where are the hm's in Pokemon white?

Surf, cut, fly, strength, waterfall, and dive

What Pokemon can use rocksmash strength and dive in sapphire?

If you are looking for a hm slave that can learn all three, I would recommend marill. Marill can also learn waterfall and surf.

On Pokemon Ruby Which HM to teach to which Pokemon I only want to have 2 Pokemon that know HMS. One that knows 4 and the other that knows the other 4. But which ones can?

a latios can learn cut, fly, waterfall and flash. while wiscash can learn rocksmash,surf, dive and strength ... datz a good answer but you wudnt want 2 teach a latios any HM's. i suggest u catch a sharpedo, it can learn strength, dive, surf, waterfall and rock smash.. but you could only teach 4 of the 5 HM's to a pokemon Also marill and Azumarill can learn four Hm move: rock smash, waterfall, dive and surf tropius can learn fly, cut, strength, rock smash and flash

What Pokemon con use dive on Pokemon ruby?

the vast majority of water type pokemon, excluding magikarp and i think feebas. If you have something that knows surf, odds are it can learn dive

What are all of the hm in Pokemon Black?

cut, fly, surf, strength, dive, waterfall

What hm moves can auzmarill learn?

Surf, Strength, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Dive, Flash.

What Pokemon from the Hoenn can learn most of the HMS?

Well.... I guess mew, but you need an event. If that doesn't work, kyogre can learn surf, waterfall, dive, rock smash, strength, and maybe flash.

How many hm's are in Pokemon White?

6 Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Waterfall and Dive.

Where are the Hidden Machines in Pokemon black?

yes, there are 6 of them. cut, fly, surf, strength, waterfall, and dive.

How many HMS are in Pokemon white version?

6, cut, fly, surf, strength, waterfall, and dive

What Pokemon can learn cut rock smash strength and surf?

linoone and furret

What is the best hm slave in Pokemon Black?

i think watchog is better but not best cos it cant learn strength,surf,dive. or else u can try a dragon Pokemon .cos it can learn all moves except dive u can transfer a bibarel from platinum to blaclk/white as it is the best hm slave whcih can learn all moves