misdreavus you can get this from Pokemon leafgreen. Or shuppet/banette can learn it and even duskull/dusclops.
gastly and all evolves can to
You can find TM 30 shadow ball in the last floor of MT.PYRE and in the Pokemon tower
sorry to burst your bubble, but ariados can't learn shadow ball.
It can learn Shadow Ball.
Yes all ghost type moves are physical attacks.
level it up and teach it strong moves and try to teach it moves with tms like shadow ball that is good against psychic actually in Pokemon emerald version the Blaziken wont take shadow ball .....soooo...idk wat your playing Lvl 100???
You can find TM 30 shadow ball in the last floor of MT.PYRE and in the Pokemon tower
Its a TM.
sorry to burst your bubble, but ariados can't learn shadow ball.
By TM.
Umbreon never learns Shadow Ball without a TM.
It can learn Shadow Ball.
Yes all ghost type moves are physical attacks.
There is no shadow ball.
Yes, Sandslash can learn Gyro Ball. However, that attack isn't available in Gen 3 games.
TM Hyper Beam TM Psychic TM Solerbeam TM Shadow Ball
level it up and teach it strong moves and try to teach it moves with tms like shadow ball that is good against psychic actually in Pokemon emerald version the Blaziken wont take shadow ball .....soooo...idk wat your playing Lvl 100???