level it up and teach it strong moves and try to teach it moves with tms like shadow ball that is good against psychic
actually in Pokemon emerald version the Blaziken wont take shadow ball .....soooo...idk wat your playing
Lvl 100???
Fortree Gym leader
go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there
after beating the 4th gym leader may/brandon will come to you and give you the goggels
it is in mossdeep city. there is a black belt who lost to the gym leader.
by beating the fourth gym leader
you get a dark Pokemon for example mightyena
i go to mossdeep city
Simply talk to Steven in mossdeep city.
you get from the gym leader in mossdeep city NO YOU DONT I WENT THERE AND I BEAT THE TWINS I DIDNT GET DIVE
Defeat it's "Gym leader-twins" and then Team Magma will atack the Space Center
You need Ghost-type pokemon, Dark-type, or maybe Bug-type pokemon. Don't use Fighting-type pokemon.
I taught my Blaziken these moves: Hyper Beam which should be great against any Pokemon that the Mossdeep Gym Leaders, Blaze Kick which could knock the crap out of Xatu and Claydol, Fire Blast, the most powerful Fire type move in Pokemon history.and Rock Tomb which should take down Xatu, Solrock and Lunatone. Good Luck!
You have to beat the gym leader first... then you'll find them there.
Steven in Pokemon emerald is a rock collecter. With his help you also defeat team magma in Mossdeep city. Back in the days of Ruby and Sapphire he used to be the Pokemon champion, but now he is replaced with the former gym leader Wallace.
You have to surf from Lilycove to Mossdeep city so you can challenge the 7th Gym Leader, The psychic twins, Tate and Liza.
In Mossdeep City, Steven will give it to you.
mossdeep city, to get there, surf east from lilycove also it is a double battle because they are twins Gym Leaders Tate & Liza