For example all Geodude evolution can learn it so can all final evolutions of starters can learn it, Ursaring, onix and both Hitmon-lee and chan.
all the beginners can learn rock climb
There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.
Most ground type Pokemon can learn it
a lot of Pokemon can learn the move rock climb here are good Pokemon that should have rock climb Ursaring because it can also learn other mountain moves like rock smash machoke just like ursaring is a mountain dude geodude and its evolutions well mostly rock Pokemon hope i helped!
A lot.VenusaurBlastoiseSandshrewSandslashNidoqueenNidokingGolduckMankeyPrimeapeArcaninePoliwrathMachopMachokeMachampGeodudeGravelerGolemOnixCuboneMarowakHitmonleeHitmonchanLickitungRhyhornRhydonChanseyKangaskhanElectabuzzMagmarPinsirTaurosOmastarKabutopsSnorlaxMewtwoMewMeganiumTyphlosionFeraligatrAmpharosSteelixGranbullUrsaringBlisseyRaikouEnteiSuicuneTyranitarSceptileBlazikenSwampertLudicoloVigorothSlakingExploudMakuhitaHariyamaAggronZangooseRegirockRegiceRegisteelGroudonTurtwigGrotleTorterraChimcharMonfernoInfernapeEmpoleonBibarelCranidosRampardosGibleGabiteGarchompMunchlaxLucarioDrapionCroagunkToxicroakAbomasnowLickilickyRhyperiorElectivireMagmortarMamoswineHeatranRegigigasGiratinaDarkraiArceus
You mean Rock Climb. Rock Climb was an HM in DPPt, but now it's not, so the only way Pokemon can learn it is by trading one over or by level.
all the beginners can learn rock climb
Geodude cannot learn rock climb.
There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.
Most ground type Pokemon can learn it
Rock Climb Any Pokemon Can Learn It If It Says "ABLE"
have a Pokemon who knows rock climb and rock smash
Rock climb
a lot of Pokemon can learn the move rock climb here are good Pokemon that should have rock climb Ursaring because it can also learn other mountain moves like rock smash machoke just like ursaring is a mountain dude geodude and its evolutions well mostly rock Pokemon hope i helped!
you use rock climb
A lot.VenusaurBlastoiseSandshrewSandslashNidoqueenNidokingGolduckMankeyPrimeapeArcaninePoliwrathMachopMachokeMachampGeodudeGravelerGolemOnixCuboneMarowakHitmonleeHitmonchanLickitungRhyhornRhydonChanseyKangaskhanElectabuzzMagmarPinsirTaurosOmastarKabutopsSnorlaxMewtwoMewMeganiumTyphlosionFeraligatrAmpharosSteelixGranbullUrsaringBlisseyRaikouEnteiSuicuneTyranitarSceptileBlazikenSwampertLudicoloVigorothSlakingExploudMakuhitaHariyamaAggronZangooseRegirockRegiceRegisteelGroudonTurtwigGrotleTorterraChimcharMonfernoInfernapeEmpoleonBibarelCranidosRampardosGibleGabiteGarchompMunchlaxLucarioDrapionCroagunkToxicroakAbomasnowLickilickyRhyperiorElectivireMagmortarMamoswineHeatranRegigigasGiratinaDarkraiArceus
Go to mount silver (With a Pokemon that knows rock climb) climb to the top, and challenge Red.