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Infernape doesn't learn Lava Plume
Sorry to butt in 99% NO LAVA COOKIE 1% lava cookie
all the lava cookie does is heals any effect that is on your pokemon. sleep, poison, burn, etc.
That other answer is bullcrap. All I know is that it evolves at a level that's higher than level 88. I have Pokemon Silver Version and when I had Typhlosion, it didn't know Lava Plume and it was level 88. If you have any questions or you like this answer, email me at bontjes.jeremiah@yahoo.com
What ever you're smoking to think you can surf on lava, I want some!
Lava Plume can only be learned in newer and more recent game slke platinum diamond pearl soul silver heart gold
Same problem here lmk if you figure it out
well put rock in lava, but on the place where you have 2 rocks put the uper one
Charmander cannot learn lava plume.
Infernape doesn't learn Lava Plume
it looks like the pokemon is bursting lava out from its body.
15- Ember 36- Fire Spin 43- Fire Fang 71- Fire Blast 78- Lava plume
It's at Manerny Lake/Beach west from Enermy Town. There should be a gym leader there from another region. Talk to him and he'll give you Lava Surf. (I couldn't find a really good Pokemon that could learn it though.)
no Pokemon hold lava cookie but you can get it from the lady in lake valor simply find her key(with a Pokemon with pickup ability) then go inside and there you go she gives you a lava cookie
Sorry to butt in 99% NO LAVA COOKIE 1% lava cookie
If you have found the Suite Key first, take it to the blonde girl in Route 213, who is looking for her keys to the hotel. She'll reward you a Lava Cookie. (White Flute in Pokemon Platinum)