Pokemon that can learn hm 2 - fly - are: Charizard, pidgey, pidgeotto, pidgeot,spearow, fearow, zubat, golbat, farfetch'd, dodrio, doduo, articuno, moltres, zapdos, areodactyl, mew, dragonite, hoothoot, noctowl, crobat, togetic, xatu, delibird, murkrow, skarmory, ho-oh, lugia, swellow, tailow, wingull, pelliper, Flygon, vibrava, swablu, altaria, tropius, salamence, latios, latias, rayquaza, staly, starraptor, staravia, drifblim, honchcrow, chatot, togekiss, giratina, and arceus.
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Use HM2 to teach charizard fly.
Go east of Violet City and talk to the fat guy.
West of Celadon City (Above Biker road). Thanks to gameFAQs.
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.