Go to the safari zone when you are able to customize the safari zone and go to the rocky beach and surf in the water until you see a lapras, OR, you could wait until Friday and go to the union cave where lapras will be at level 20 I hope I haved helped.
go to victory road in the back of 1F 2 and surf on the water.
you have to go to route 12 [i have no idea which pokemon to use]. hope this helps!
on Friday go to the union cave have a Pokemon with surf at the very end theers a lapras a level 25you must have surf on friday go to the second town go in to the cave there will be a bit to surf at the start of it surf and fight some trainers and you will see lapras level 20in heartgold you get it by either going to the basement of union cave on Friday in the water or going to the safari zone and changing a part to rocky beach and then swimming in the water. in firered and leafgreen you get it by going in silph co and a scientist gives you one after you beat Garyevery friday, there is a lapras at the bottom of slowpoke well. if you make it faint, it will come back the next friday.
you trade with the old man in the Pokemon center no you go outside the place where you meet Lapras to go to the north pole and talk to the old man
You go on the portals. (You may get a Lapras).
You go to Four Island and go inside this cave. Keep looking for Lapras and when you find it weaken it and throw a Pokeball, Great Ball, or Ultra Ball. Or whatever you have to catch a Pokemon.
It seems like your talking about Pokemon Red rather than Pokemon Gold because in Pokemon Red,Lapras is in the Rockets hideout in Silph Co in Saffron City where i believe your given Lapras by someone (Bill??) near the top of the building... But in Pokemon Gold,Lapras is found deep in Union Cave which is between Violet City and Azalea town, But the Lapras is only there on Friday Mornings,so if you go there any other time the Lapras won't be there...
go to the beach and talk to lapras
Go to a Pokemon center to make space for the egg then go back and they will still be there.
u have to go to union cave basement on Friday
you go to this cave on Saturday or Sunday and then it will be there you should look around
Go to Lapras Beach on Renbow island
you go to the daycare and put in two Pokemon if they like each other they will mate and have an egg you then go to the daycare man and he will give you the egg (you could also ask they daycare man if they like each other and it takes awhile for the Pokemon to make an egg)
Go to the safari zone when you are able to customize the safari zone and go to the rocky beach and surf in the water until you see a lapras, OR, you could wait until Friday and go to the union cave where lapras will be at level 20 I hope I haved helped.
you can if you go to the daycare and put an arbok in with a ditto
go to victory road in the back of 1F 2 and surf on the water.