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you have to go to route 12 [i have no idea which pokemon to use]. hope this helps!

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Q: How do you catch lapras in ptd?
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What are the ice Pokemon in PTD?

Lapras (uncatchable), Cloyster, Dewgong, and Articuno in PTD1. (I did not include those you can get from mystery gift)

How do you find a LAPRAS in Pokemon Diamond?

you need a cheat that can catch a trainer's Pokemon to have lapras. because there is a trainer that has a lapras.

What water Pokemon can you catch in the safiri zone leaf green?

You can catch Goldeen, Poliwag, Tentacool, and Lapras. Lapras are extremely rare however.

Do you catch lapras in a masterball?

No, you don't. In Fire Red/Leaf Green you get Lapras in Silph Co.

Can you catch lapras in Pokemon Gold?

you find lapras in union cave B2 only on fridays

Do you catch lapras with a fishing rod?

No. You can only catch it by surfing around.

When can you catch lapras in heart gold?

on fridays

How do you catch the Pokemon Lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can catch the Pokemon Lapras in Union Cave, but only on Fridays. Make sure you stock up on PokeBalls.

What pokeball is best to catch lapras in diamond?

you can catch lapras with any ball, just make sure you damaged him already

Where do you catch a lapras in pokemon pearl?

you can catch lapras in union cave every friday>> see youtube also you can get one surfing around in i think it is the peak area of the safari zone if you place a bunch of fountains in the water.

How do you catch lapras in Pokemon Crystal?

im not sure but i think you catch it in union cave on a friday I'm defentily sure that you can catch lapras but only in union cave on friday that is wierd

Where do you find lapras on Pokemon platinum?

I don't think you can but if you have an Action Replay you could catch the trainers lapras.