another gyarados, or a magikarp of the opposite gender. (it should work, I've never tried breeding Gyarados)
Gyarados doesn't any further on Pokemon FireRed.
A golden Margikarp is a shiny margikarp, and as with other shiny Pokemon, there is only a 1/1892 chance of getting a Shiny(golden) magikarp. Breeding a Shiny Gyarados or a Shiny margikarp with another shiny Pokemon THAT CAN BREED WITH GYARADOS/MARGIKARP may have a higher chance of breeding a shiny magikarp. You can also trade the shiny gyarados from Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.
Gyarados is a water type. Water type Pokemon are weak when battling a grass type Pokemon.
Yes, the "Red Gyarados" is actually just a shiny Gyarados.
it can breed with seaking, gyarados, lanturn,qwilfish,octillery,sharpedo,wailord,whiscash,relicanth,luvdisc,lumineon, and all of their previous forms
Gyarados doesn't any further on Pokemon FireRed.
A golden Margikarp is a shiny margikarp, and as with other shiny Pokemon, there is only a 1/1892 chance of getting a Shiny(golden) magikarp. Breeding a Shiny Gyarados or a Shiny margikarp with another shiny Pokemon THAT CAN BREED WITH GYARADOS/MARGIKARP may have a higher chance of breeding a shiny magikarp. You can also trade the shiny gyarados from Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.
Gyarados is a water type. Water type Pokemon are weak when battling a grass type Pokemon.
i think the Pokemon that evolves into gyarados is magikarp. it evolves at level 20
Yes, the "Red Gyarados" is actually just a shiny Gyarados.
To get a red Gyarados in Pokemon LeafGreen you first need to catch a shiny Magikarp. This shiny Magikarp will be able to evolve into a red Gyarados. This is due to the red Gyarados simply being the shiny color of Gyarados.
you have to get lucky fishing or just trade in the GTS (online) and then breed the gyarados with a ditto.
Gyarados is a Water and Flying type Pokemon.
Red Gyarados has no advantages over regular Gyarados. Red Gyarados is a shiny Pokemon, which has a different appearance but has identical stats to regular Gyarados.