Ditto can mate with all 'breedable' Pokemon. So the things that it can't breed with are;
Legendaries - except for Manaphy,
'Baby' Pokemon - Pichu, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, etc,
Unown, Nidoqueen, Nidorina, and another Ditto.
Ditto can mate with almost all other Pokemons, except : Legendary Pokemon, and another Ditto...
Yes Because ditto can mate with anyPokemon but not legendary only legendary Pokemon that have a gender
Without an action replay, you can't mate dittos with legendary pokemon.
You can breed almost any Pokemon with Ditto except: a legendary Pokemon (no sign). Also sometimes you might have gotten the wrong Ditto because I have two Ditto's: one only mates with guys and the other only with girls. So you might want to try different Ditto's if the one you have does not mate with the Pokemon you want it to.
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
Not legendaries but mostly all Pokemon can mate with ditto
Ditto can mate with almost all other Pokemons, except : Legendary Pokemon, and another Ditto...
Ditto and any other Pokemon can mate at any level. All you have to do is put them in the day-care with the Pokemon you want it to mate with.
Ditto can mate with any Pokemon except if they don't have a gender.Also, Ditto cannot lay an egg with a rare Pokemon, whether it has a gender or not.It can also mate with a boy OR girl, the egg will be the same as the parent Pokemon, not the Ditto.
A Ditto is the best Pokemon to mate with in Pokemon White.
A ditto can mate with any Pokemon
only ditto to make more rotom
Use ditto :)
use a ditto, ditto will breed with any Pokemon except legendary
No because a Ditto can't mate with another Ditto Sorry
any Pokemon except for legendaries, and a few others
You can ask friend for a hipodon mate it with a ditto