Yes Because ditto can mate with anyPokemon but not legendary only legendary Pokemon that have a gender
you can either trade or if you have an electibuzz breed it with a ditto
no you cant
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.
Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.
you can either trade or if you have an electibuzz breed it with a ditto
Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.
Yes you always can get an egg if you breed with ditto.
no you cant
You have to catch a boy and girl electibuzz and put them in the day care for them to have an egg.
Yes, Feraligatr can breed and lay an Egg with a Ditto however it'll be a Totodile Egg.
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.
A Dragonair and a Ditto will have a Dratini egg.
Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.
The female Pokemon can lay an egg, which will be another of the mothering Pokemon, but there's no way to get a Ditto egg.
yes, any Pokemon can breed with ditto.