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The only Pokémon that is both Electric and Ice type is Rotom when in Freezer form.

You can receive Rotom in pokemon White (The only knowledge I know of now) by trading him for Ditto with a scientist in the game, somewhere after the pokemon league. To get him in freezer form, go to "Shopping mall nine" in the excess- electronics room. Clicking the boxes, if you have Rotom in your party, you can have the choice for him to hold various items: Let him hold the refridgerator,

and now you have the only electric and ice pokemon.

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Q: What Pokemon are Electric and Ice type?
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For his Dragonites (x3), have Ice-Type Pokemon at hand. For Charizard, have a Water-Type Pokemon. For his Gyarados, have a Electric-Type Pokemon. For his Aerodactyl, have a Water-Type as well. The 2nd time you face him: Use Ice or Electric Moves or Pokemon against his Salamence. Use Ice or Water Moves or Pokemon against his Garchomp. Use Ice or Electric Moves or Pokemon against his Altaria. Otherwise, he has a Dragonite, Charizard, and Gyarados. Just read above to know how to handle them.