If you have female wobbuffet with a male and vice versa. An egg you get after breeding a wobbuffet is a wynaut.
If they are horny
Put a Wobbuffet (holding lax incense) in the daycare with a ditto. Otherwise, this will produce another Wobbuffet.
Two wobbuffet (1 male, 1 female). Or 1 wobbuffet and 1 ditto.
Wobbuffet is unable to learn any HM/TM except the breeding moves taught to Wynaut, Counter, and Safeguardfrom the Move tutor for one heart scale in Fallarbor
Trapinch. You can catch it in the desert. And if you just want a Pokemon to not flee there is also Wynaut and Wobbuffet.
Breed a wobbuffet or if you have ruby, sapphire or emerald, go to a certain island that one man can see in that city with loads of logs
at mt. pyre
If they are horny
Put a Wobbuffet (holding lax incense) in the daycare with a ditto. Otherwise, this will produce another Wobbuffet.
You need to breed 2 Wobbuffet, with one of them holding a Lax Incense.
Wobbuffet (female) must be holding the Lax Incense item in order to get Wynaut.
Evolve Snorunt. Snorunt can be found in Shoal Cave Ice Room
You have to breed a Wobbuffet to get Wynaut
The female Wobbuffet must be holding a Lax Incense.
You have to breed wobbuffet with a Lax incense
Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet at level 15. To breed a Wynaut, a female Wobbuffet must be put in the daycare holding Lax Incense.
Wynaut, the pre-evolved form of Wobbuffet.