Im currently training a Magby, and its level 56... Im pretty sure you use a fire stone to evolve magby
have fu :)
It Evolves at level 30
Magby will start to evolve into Magmar as soon as it hits Level 30.
level 30
Magby is a fire type of Pokemon. To evolve it into a Magmar, you need to trade it while it holds a Magmarizer item.
Não, Magby evolui no lvl 30 </ P>
Magby should evolve at level 30.
Magby will evolve if it has max friendship with its trainer.
Magby evolves at Level 30.
Magby evolves at level 30 and into magmar
Magby will evolve at level 30 in a magmar.
Magby evolves into Magmar at Level 30.
Magby evolves into Magmar at Level 30.
Magby evolves at Level 30.
level 30
It Evolves at level 30
Magby will start to evolve into Magmar as soon as it hits Level 30.