Magby is a fire type of Pokemon. To evolve it into a Magmar, you need to trade it while it holds a Magmarizer item.
Magby will start to evolve into Magmar as soon as it hits Level 30.
i also have a question where do you get magby in pokemon victory fire
First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
you must trade or migrate a magmar/magby from another DS Pokemon game or Pokemon ruby/sapp etc trade a magmar while it is holding a magmarizer for it to evolve into a magmortar
give your magmar a magmirizer and trade with it to get the evolve form of magmar.
Magby will evolve at level 30 in a magmar.
magby evolves at lvl 30 and magmar evolves with a magmorziar and with a trade
Magby evolves at level 30 and into magmar
Level it up to lv. 30 to evolve into Magmar
Magby will start to evolve into Magmar as soon as it hits Level 30.
Magby evolves into Magmar at Level 30.
Magby evolves into Magmar at Level 30.
You have to use the pokewalker to get magby and then evolve it into magmar at lv.30.
Magby requires Level 30 to evolve into Magmar and then trade it while holding the Magmarizer to evolve Magmar into Magmortar in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Magby can be found on Route 227 in Pokemon Diamond.
Magby evolves by leveling and it'll start to evolve into Magmar at Level 30.
i also have a question where do you get magby in pokemon victory fire