The main Egyptian god card is Obelisk the Tormentor.
Bes- the Egyptian dwarf god and jester of the gods (:
There are official copies of obelisk and the winged dragon of ra. Those may be used in tournaments. If your Egyptian god has a colored back, you may not use it
im pretty sure there is not
he is the host of the god Horus
Muffin was Sadie's cat in the Kane Chronicle books by Rick Riordan. She hosted the Goddess Bastest (Bast).
Nun is the oldest god, but Ra is the oldest active god. Source: The Kane Chronicles
Serqet - Goddess of Scorpions.Isis - Goddess of magic and wife of Osiris. Her host is Sadie Kane, formerly her mother Ruby Kane.Horus - Falcon-headed son of Osiris, destined to reclaim the Throne of Ma'at. His host is Carter.Bast - Goddess of cats, her host is Muffin, Sadie Kane's cat. Also a deadly combat mage. She is sworn to protect the Kane siblings.Set - God of evil and chaos, represented by the colour red. Possesses Amos Kane when he is Set's captive.Osiris - God of the dead. His host is Julius Kane. Father of horus.Anubis - God of funerals and assistant of Osiris, takes the form of a human with a jackals head, or an attractive teenaged boy. He and Sadie show strong and mutual feeling towards eachother.Thoth - God of wisdom and thought, illustated as a 'mad scientist' character.Nut - Goddess of the sky. Her children are Osiris, Set, Horus, Isis, and Nephthys.Geb - God of Earth, husband of Nut, children are Osiris, Set, Horus, Isis, and Nephthys
the Kane chronicles about a brother and sister who release a evil Egyptian god who tries to kill them it is out may 4th 2010
The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.
There is no Egyptian god Zozer.
There was no Egyptian god of lice.
There is no Egyptian god of wheat, however there is an Egyptian god of grain. The name of this god was 'Neper'. He was sometimes called 'Neper the reaper' because of his association with grain and harvesting.
That was the Biblical god of Abraham, not a Egyptian god or goddess.