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im pretty sure there is not

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Q: Are there ultimate rare Egyptian god cards?
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How rare is it to get the 3 Egyptian god cards?


How much are the illegal Egyptian god cards worth?

If the illegal Egyptian god cards are fakes, then they would not be worth anything. Rare, real Egyptian god cards can be worth from $20 to $150 depending on where you sale them (as of 2013).

Can you get an Egyptian god card at target?

Egyptian god cards are rare so probably not. You would have better luck online or from a private collector.

Can you get Egyptian god cards on Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Masters?

you can get it in the legendary collection two

What are the Egyptian God Cards effects in Stardust Accelerator?

The Egyptian God cards in Stardust Accelerator are all protected from magic or trap effects. These cards are extremely rare in the game and can only be obtained through use of WiFi.

What are the best cards in yu gi oh the sacred cards?

F.G.D,Master of Dragon Soildier,Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon,and The Egyptian God Cards

How do you get the Egyptian god cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Masters edition World Championship Tournament 2006?

There are not in the game

What are the three rare cards in yugioh slither the sky dragon and what?

Are you talking about the Egyptian God Cards? There are three, Slifer The Sky Dragon, The Winged Dragon Of Ra, and Obelisk The Tormentor. They are not playable in the actual Card Game, but they are collectible cards. Well in my opinion the Egyptian god cards are so rare, yet so good that they could be banned from it, just like Raigeki, Mirror Force, Exodia (maybe) and more. But they're still really rare that people like to collect them, not play the game.

Who is the ultimate duelist in Yu-gi-oh?

yugi is the most ultimate duelist in the normal yu-gi-oh because he defeated the three Egyptian god cards in the final duel against the pharoah

What is the password of Egyptian god cards?

there is no code it is absolutely forbidden to summon them

Are the Egyptian god cards good or evil?

They are Good

Is the Egyptian God cards in soul of the duelests?

Sorry but there not