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Q: What Do military Juggernauts wear?
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What type of suit does a juggernaut wear?

The Juggernauts are fictional and so are the suits they wear, the suit can not exist in real life, except for a replica that will not protect oneself like in the game.

What if juggernauts were real?

then you would experiance Call of duty in real life

Can you change the juggernauts weapon in halo reach?

No you can not. It's very stupid but no matter what you do, the juggernaut can only use a gravity hammer.

Is a juggernaut a human or a robot in modern warfare 2?

its a robot. but, when you kill them you will see blood. if you look closely at their face, you will see a robot face like its eyes. it has paddings shuving into the face on the cheeks. if that were a human, they would be dead.Also, they were leftover dead bodys from the battles. the Spetnaz (Russian Army) used them to make Juggernauts. like WAW Nazi Zombies you could get juggernaut. it makes you stronger. like the juggernauts. they are STRONG and hard to KILL. so, I explained that juggernauts are robotsRAMIREZ! TAKE OUT THAT JUGGERNAUT WITH A FEATHER! people make these rumors about somebody named ramirez, when his sarge, Sgt. Foley,always says RAMIREZ! TAKE OUT THAT HELI!! RAMIREZ! TAKE OUT THOSE S.A.M. SITES! So, Bye

Are the Juggernauts in MW2 real?

Sort of. Their armor is based on the U.S. military's C.P.E. (Cupola Protective Ensemble); which is a modified E.O.D. suit used as enhanced body armor for exposed vehicle turret gunners. So in that regard, yes it's real. However, in the real world, no one would be running around wearing this as infantry field armor. It's too heavy, hot, slow, and bulky to even walk in, let alone run after someone in.

Related questions

What do juggernauts in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 wear?

they wear a big suit that you cant shoot threw and a cup that says get some.

What type of suit does a juggernaut wear?

The Juggernauts are fictional and so are the suits they wear, the suit can not exist in real life, except for a replica that will not protect oneself like in the game.

What are the release dates for The Simpsons Bart vs- the Juggernauts - 1992 VG?

The Simpsons Bart vs- the Juggernauts - 1992 VG was released on: USA: 1992

Are there Juggernauts in MW2?

Yes. only in special ops.

What actors and actresses appeared in Children of Juggernauts - 2011?

The cast of Children of Juggernauts - 2011 includes: Colin Bourgie as Little Boy Paula Bourgie as Little Girl

What kind of clothes do military people wear?

they wear military camo cloths

Can you change the juggernauts weapon in mw3?

Yes, you can i did it in the last level of mw3

How many juggernauts can a helicopter carry?

None, 'Juggernaught ' is a giant ship

What if juggernauts were real?

then you would experiance Call of duty in real life

What are the release dates for Destroy Build Destroy - 2009 Juggernauts vs- The Manglers 2-8?

Destroy Build Destroy - 2009 Juggernauts vs- The Manglers 2-8 was released on: USA: 11 November 2009

When do you not wear military dog tags?

When you are either dead or no longer in the Military.

Do military police officers look like soldiers?

Yes they wear military uniforms and are members of the military.