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Ledion Dardha

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Q: What is PrestonPlayz password on Minecraft?
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Prestonplayz Of Course IF U THINK OTHERWISE UR DUM

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Minecraft Has no Security Password

How do you play Minecraft on the computer with no password?

You need a password, it's the same password as your Mojang or Minecraft account.

What is the password in Minecraft 1.8.1?

There is no 'password' for Minecraft, in any version. The password is user specific; each user makes their own password. You either need to buy Minecraft and in doing so create a password, or play offline. Note - it is illegal to have copies of Minecraft, but if you have lost your password, there should be a way to change it or find it on the Minecraft official website.

What is dawnables Minecraft password?

Nobody makes their Minecraft password publicly available or they would get hacked.

What is minecraft universe's minecraft password?

No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.

How do you sign in for Minecraft launcher?

when you open minecraft you enter your username and password in the username and password box. you hvae to register on the minecraft website

How old is prestonplayz?


What is the password for Minecraft launcher 1.3.9?

how to log in minecraft 1.3.9

What to do when you haven't received your OTP password for minecraft?

MineCraft sucks

What is the password for Minecraft 1.0 version?

All you need to do is make an account on minecraft then buy the full version. If you do download it and you don't get the latest version you just use your minecraft password to update. If you don't know the password then you need to make a new account. If you've already bought minecraft and you forgot your password then you can redeem you minecraft gift code to buy minecraft for free. But you can only do this when you've bought minecraft before.

What is skydoesMinecraft's password in Minecraft?

No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.