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Q: Were to find heart scales on Pokemon diamond?
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Where do you find heart scales on Pokemon Diamond?

To find heart scales on Pokemon diamond/pearl you need the explorer kit to go underground. once you are underground look for cracks inthe wall, and eventully you will find a heart scale in the cracks.

Where do you get heart scales in soul silver?

Heart scales are obtainable at the pokeathlon prize exchange booth. The pokeathlon is north of goldenrod city, in the Johto region. Hope I helped!

Where is the move teacher in the Pokemon game pearl or diamond?

The move tutor is in the South-east of Pastoria City near water. You will need heart scales for the guy to be able to teach it to you. You can find heart scales in the underground.

Heart scales in Pokemon?

on Pokemon diamond and pearl you will need the explore kit to go underground then after mining the walls for loot there is a chance you may find a heart scale also fosils and evoloution stones

How do you get heart scales in Pokemon pearl?

You can find them in the Underground

Where to find a heart scale in Pokemon HeartGold?

Heart Scales can be purchased in the Pokeathlon shop for 1000P

Where to find heart scales in Pokemon platinum?

They r dug up underground. They are hard to find

Where are the heart scales in Pokemon Platinum?

You can find the Heart Scale under ground by using the Explorer Kit.

Where do you find a heart scale in Pokemon heartgold?

Heart scales can typically be found underground by using the Explorer Kit.

Where can you find heart scales in Pokemon?

Heart Scales are found all over the place; from Underground to inside Pokèballs and even getting them from in-game people. It all depends on what game you have.

Were can you find heart scales in Pokemon emerald?

Luvdisc sometimes is carrying them when you catch them, so catch lots.

Where in vermillion city is a heart scale in Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot find heart scales there. You have to go underground, go digging, and maybe you'll find one.