its in the boat, where is in the lighthouse with the scared penguins
The net rope you find at the beach next to the light house and the candle you find at the pizza place on the table hope I was a big help!! :) The Unknown <3
The candle is in mission 5 and you simply get a piece of rope and a piece of net from the beach and in the lighthouse then you put the net and rope together and it makes a trap. Now you hang the trap outside behind the Ski Lodge and then you place the candle in the trap.
There are two missions like that. One is The Secret of the Fur Mission (mission 5) and the other is Mysterious Tremors (mission 8).
In Mission 5, use the AC 1000 to blow the can toward you.
Flares's friends are: Aunt Arctic at the Plaza, The two penguins at the Snow Forts and the Penguin Worker in the Coffee Shop.
In mission 5, you put it in the trap you made with the rope and net.
To see how you can finish mission #5 in Club Penguin, see the related links. The related link below will show you how to finish every mission in Club Penguin. It is called "Mission Guides - Club Penguin Cheats.
jan. 5
There are YouTube videos that detail how do to this.
All you have to do is go on YouTube and type in club penguin walkthrough for mission 5.
The net rope you find at the beach next to the light house and the candle you find at the pizza place on the table hope I was a big help!! :) The Unknown <3
mission 5's a bit of a weak guy just get him in a headlock lolius
just look on youtube
you have to do stuff B)
See related link.
Search on Google for a guide. ;)
firstly if your over the age of 8 you should not be playing club penguin NOT COOL and secondly, find it out your self!