Go and talk to the owner of poketch in poketch company's building he will install the marking map app in your poketch
talk to the president of the poketch company in jubilife city
the poketech company is in jubilife
at the poketch company building in jubilife. He gives u new apps after u beat the gyms. Check back every once in awhile.
To obtain the poketch go to jubilife city and speak to the president, you will have to find 3 clowns and answer the questions they ask you. To get new apps go to the poketch company (it has 4 red flags on it and is located left to the T'v station)
Go and talk to the owner of poketch in poketch company's building he will install the marking map app in your poketch
talk to the president of the poketch company in jubilife city
the poketech company is in jubilife
The Poketch Co. is located in Jubilife City somewhere on the middle-left street.
go to jubilife city. go to poketch company. talk to purple shirted person
at the poketch company building in jubilife. He gives u new apps after u beat the gyms. Check back every once in awhile.
you go to jubilife city and there are two buildings, one is the tv station the other is the poketch company, you go west of the tv station and you will find it
I don't remember what The Poketch company looks like.But what I can tell you is that you should read every single sign you find and if the building name sounds like it's a Poketch company,go inside it and talk to the people.I'll also warn you that your rival will battle you when you're on your way to Oreburgh City.
To obtain the poketch go to jubilife city and speak to the president, you will have to find 3 clowns and answer the questions they ask you. To get new apps go to the poketch company (it has 4 red flags on it and is located left to the T'v station)
Go to Jubilife City and go into the poketch company towards the top left of the town. Talk to the professor. Keep talking to him until he gives you the marking poketch app.
Marking mapyou get the marking map in the poketch company place.you talk to the person by the counter(he's the manager)and you keep on speaking to him until you have it.
jubilife city.obviously.stop being a noob.