The name rater is in the building on the left in the northern part of Castelia City.
You Can Go By The Pokemon Name Rater
The name rater is in slateport above the trainers fan club. Good Luck!
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
The Name Rater is in Goldenrod City, in that purple tent thing past the train station.
in slateport Dummy
Go to the Name Rater in one of the cities.
The name rater can be found in lavendar town.
You Can Go By The Pokemon Name Rater
Find the name rater.
There is a name rater in Castelia city. In a building just go on the street diectly east of the Pokemon center
The name rater is in slateport above the trainers fan club. Good Luck!
You change your pokemon's nickname at the Name Rater, who has a house located in Castelia city
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
The Name Rater is in Goldenrod City, in that purple tent thing past the train station.
in slateport Dummy
Yes, there is a Name Rater in Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2. The Name Rater can be found in the building that is across from the Gym in Castelia City. It was used as one of Team Plasma's hideouts in Pokémon Black and Pokémon White.
The name rater is in Agate village in both Colosseum and XD