You buy them at certain Poke-marts. These are: Canalave City Pokemon League You can also find them as hidden objects throughout the game.
Throw Safari Balls at it.
when the torterras balls drop
there is no event for manaphy you have to get it from Pokemon ranger
action replay is best
I don't know. But i know how to get 999. You buy a DS cheat cartridge. You then put in Pokemon pearl THEN the cheat cartridge THEN you click on Pokemon pearl/diamond and then click on Pokemon 999 Master balls.
No you only get one master ball in Pokemon pearl. Sorry if this has upset you.
No ty m8
Throw Safari Balls at it.
no they do not
canalaves pokemart
it's called duskballs
You can get one Master Ball in your GBA game and then migrate to Pokemon Pearl with a Pokemon holding the Master Ball.
It is not possible to make master balls in Pokemon Pearl version. You can get one from beating Cyrus or in the Game Corner.
u can get repeat balls on soul silver by going to the daily drawing corner on a certain day
You could get timer balls by buying them from the store at the Pokemon legaue or helping the man for the newspaper in solceon town.