

Best Answer

den899 answer is you can not find it only make a Pokemon learn it by leveling up

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Q: Were do you find headbutt on FireRed?
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How do you get headbutt in emerald?

First you have to find Headbutt.

Were can you find the TM headbutt in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)

How do you find the move headbutt in diamond?

There is no guy that I know of that can teach headbutt in pokémon diamond.

Where to find headbutt in soul silver?

theres a guy in ixel forest and he will teach your Pokemon headbutt

How do you headbutt a tree in soul silver?

you go to Ilex forest and find a man in there and he will give you headbutt and teach it to you Pokemon and now you could headbutt a tree

How rare do Pokemon show when you headbutt?

When you headbutt, there is about a 25% chance that you'll find a Pokemon. In some places, you may never find a Pokemon. In others, you may always find a Pokemon.

Where do you find herracross in Pokemon Crystal?

you need headbutt from the guy in azalea forest the headbutt the little trees till you find one HINT certin trees have diffrent Pokemon

Where do you find a pineco?

headbutt trees everywhere, and sometimes you get lucky

Where can you catch herecros?

use headbutt on trees and you will find one.

How do you get heracross in heartgold?

You have to use headbutt on a "Headbutt Tree". I've heard that the trees outside of New Bark Town is the best place to find one. Although, Heracross is one of the rarest to find.

Where do you find a pine-co in Pokemon Crystal?

they are rare in headbutt trees

Where do you find headbutt in Pokemon Crystal?

In Ilex Forest. I can't remember where...