

Best Answer

well there are loads of ways!! like:

. Revenge on a dirty roommate - using a hairdryer blow flour or powder under their door to give everything an awesome white coat...

2. Revenge on a neighbor - write a nasty message on your target's lawn in weed killer, they'll never get rid of the bald patches...

3. Revenge on anyone who doesn't live with you - put Gelatin down your target's toilet, in a few days it'll get solid...

4. When your roommate goes away, water his/her carpet and sow mustard and cress seeds for a lush shag pile...

5. Revenge on a neighbor - replace weed killer with plant food - they'll curse their green fingers...

6. Float unwrapped chocolate bars and toilet paper in your neighbor's pool...

7. Get as many alarm clocks as possible, set them for different times throughout the night and hide them on your roommate's room...

Take your friend's bike, get a ladder and raise it over a lamppost so that it passes through the whole in the middle of the bike frame. Hide and witness their frustration...

Take your boyfriend's favorite clubbing shirt and use an ultraviolet pen and write what's on your mind, under any black light your message will appear...

Revenge on golfers - put dog poo in Golf hole.

13. Place a singles ad with your ex's phone number in newspapers and websites...

14. Subscribe your enemy to every form of junk mail you can lay your hands on, the more embarrassing the better...

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Q: Ways to get payback
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Formula for the Payback Period. Payback period = Initial investment / Annual Cash inflows

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Payback Time was created in 2000.

When was The Payback created?

The Payback was created on -19-10-02.

When was Payback released?

Payback was released on 02/05/1999.

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The Production Budget for Payback was $50,000,000.

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What is the difference between payback and discounted payback?

Simple payback method do not care about the time-value of money principle while discounted payback period do take care of this principle in calculation.

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if its a friend is it seriously necessary to get payback? =s

Advantage and disadvantage of payback?

There are a few different advantages and disadvantages of payback. Payback can help ensure that there is further action in a case for example.

What is a payback period?

payback period , it is to pay your period on time jajajaja

What is the duration of Payback Season?

The duration of Payback Season is 1.52 hours.

What is meant by the payback period?

Something is meant by the payback period. It is the length of time taken to recover the cost of an investment. This is what is meant by the payback period.