There is nothing in the games or anime that leads onto wether Misty or May was ever fat.
I guess Ash will marry Misty, because how I know is I heard Misty's best friends are her togepi and Ash. Even in Misty's Song Ash and Misty sounded romantic. Besides Misty is one of my favorite Pokemon trainers.
The answer, of course, is a matter of personal preference. But, in my opinion, Misty is the best.
The only person has ever kissed in the Pokemon series is Serena and that is it, though ash and may did kiss once in an episode called A kiss under the mistletoe which got banned and was NA unaired in Japan and the US
not sure
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
no, but he does kiss brock in episode 343
I hope so, cause they would never quit.
yes today
yes i thni so some one told me they where
its only misty noot may or dawn only misty.
sadly no
misty will be a gym leader in HeartGold and SoulSilver
I don't know, but I wish Misty is still with Ash.
Misty May-Treanor's mother was Barbara May.
Misty May-Treanor's mother was Barbara May.