No, but many of the Call of Duty games made by treyarch are based on real events and real people.
yes so was alex mason they changed there names to cover up there identiy and black ops is real and there was a opertiaon 40 when the bay of pigs was happening Hudson was preddient kenndy bodygard when he got assiancenated reznov was murdered in the war
get real call of duty
Victor Reznov is not real. in the videogame, he was a man who died at Vorkura. after escaping prison, he was dead. he was captured by the enemy after sacrificing himself for you. all through the game, you see him. he is a hallucination after the prison escape.
then you would experiance Call of duty in real life
The Call of Duty games are fictional, but based on true events and times, like World War 2, the Vietnam war etc.
yes there is,if you read the credits in world at war and call of duty black ops.You'll find his name
yes so was alex mason they changed there names to cover up there identiy and black ops is real and there was a opertiaon 40 when the bay of pigs was happening Hudson was preddient kenndy bodygard when he got assiancenated reznov was murdered in the war
Some of the main characters in the Call of Duty: Black Ops series include Alex Mason, Frank Woods, Jason Hudson, and Viktor Reznov. These characters are typically involved in various covert operations and missions during the Cold War era and beyond.
The US part is based of different veterens storys the Russian part I think is based off the fat guy that's with you who writes the diary not Reznov but Pvt. Chernov
get real call of duty
There is no real answer but I prefer Call of Duty
No you nerds
Victor Reznov is not real. in the videogame, he was a man who died at Vorkura. after escaping prison, he was dead. he was captured by the enemy after sacrificing himself for you. all through the game, you see him. he is a hallucination after the prison escape.
call of duty is not based of any movie but that roughly of real life settings eg. in call of duty mw2 the war in Afghanistan as well as the russian invasion of north america(not real).
then you would experiance Call of duty in real life
No, many of the characters of Call of Duty are all fiction and are not real people. The main characters in particular are not real.